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    February 19, 2009

    Top Ten Posts

    Somebody asked me if I knew what the top ten posts for my blog were.  Several bloggers will post this on their site.  I went into the tools provided via the blogging application and found the top ten posts by number of visits over the last two years.  Here they are in order:

    February 17, 2009

    The Cure for the American Economy...Immigration

    Thomas Friedman has a thought provoking op-ed in the New York Times.  America is a melting pot of people from many cultures.  We can all trace our ancestors to another country (save the Native Americans).  Our ancestors came here for a better life if not for themselves for their children.  They worked extremely hard and built the largest economy in the world.  But have we lost some of that ambition and drive.  Have we become to comfortable?  When I was a teenager, I mowed our lawn and nine others.  Today I have a young Hispanic man who mows our lawn.  He probably mows at least nine others.  I have had many discussions with business owners about this and many of us wonder if we are spoiling our children.  I tend to believe we are.

    Friedman references research by Vivek Wadhwa, a senior research associate at the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, "more than half of Silicon Valley start-ups were founded by immigrants over the last decade. These immigrant-founded tech companies employed 450,000 workers and had sales of $52 billion in 2005, said Wadhwa in an essay published this week on"

    Friedman also references Shekhar Gupta, editor of The Express newspaper said, "All you need to do is grant visas to two million Indians, Chinese and Koreans. We will buy up all the subprime homes. We will work 18 hours a day to pay for them. We will immediately improve your savings rate — no Indian bank today has more than 2 percent nonperforming loans because not paying your mortgage is considered shameful here. And we will start new companies to create our own jobs and jobs for more Americans.”

    Look at the reprographics industry.  The most successful businessmen in an old industry were from Sri Lanka.  They were not born in America and they did not grow up on this industry. 

    I do not believe the ultimate answer is to increase immigration, but this article highlights part of the problem.  It is time for Americans to get back to our roots.  Hard work and innovation.  We need to focus less on consumption and more on investment and productivity.

    February 13, 2009

    Google is Charging for Downloads

    Google is brilliant at finding ways to monetize the distribution of digital content.  Today they are allowing "partners" on YouTube to charge for downloads.  They are not yet getting a cut from the fees as it is an experiment.  Watch and learn from Google.  There are many parallels to what is happening with the distribution of AEC content and the distribution of music and video content.

    February 12, 2009

    Think About This...

    Google just purchased a paper mill in Finland.  Does that mean the reprographics industry will be buying paper from Google soon?  No!  It turns out that Google will be turning the paper mill into a data center.

    February 02, 2009

    A Reprographer Leading Change

    Jared Willis, Director of Sales for Barker Blue, is walking the walk.  It is easy to attend an industry event and walk away with good ideas.  We all know that implementing them is the hard part.  On the plane ride home you are filled with inspiration and are thinking about how these new nuggets of knowledge or wisdom are going to change your business.  On Monday morning the reality of managing your business hits you.  It is a struggle to move from working in your business to working on your business.  Barker Blue is doing a great job of acting on much of the learning they have done.  Jared has a great blog where you can follow the wisdom and experience they have gained.

    A recent post of his describes his experience with a PR firm and how they created the perception of value.  Too often reprographers are willing to say we will do anything to satisfy the customer, but they don't communicate to the customer what they are doing and it is not valued.

    Some other industry blogs in case you aren't aware.

    ReproTrends - Curtis Thornton, Thomas Reprographics
    The Rockpile - Tanner Bechtel, ReproMAX