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    « October 2008 | Main | December 2008 »

    November 21, 2008

    Its a Good Time to Outsource

    In a down economy AEC companies are more likely to want to outsource.  Now is the time to present your "services" as a less costly or less risky alternative to doing it themselves.

    November 18, 2008

    Exponential Times...

    Mike Duff, reprographer extrordinairre, sent me the following mind numbing video clip.  Below are some interesting claims from the video.

    China will soon become the #1 english speaking country in the world.

    India has more honors kids than America has kids.

    The top 10 in demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004.

    1 out of 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met online.

    The first commercial test message (SMS) was sent in 1992, today the total number of text messages sent every day exceeds the total population of the planet.

    Years it took to reach a market audience of 50 million 38 years
    ...TV 13 years
    ...Internet 4 years
    ...iPod 3 years

    It is estimated that a week's worth of the New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come accross in a lifetime in the 18th century.

    For students starting a 4 year technical degee 1/2 of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.

    Fiber optic cable bandwidth is tripling every six months and is expected to do so for the next 20 years.

    By 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain.

    November 12, 2008

    How to Make Money in a Recession

    Sorry to keep talking about the economic downturn.  With all the negative press, which is only making things worse, we all need some constructive information.  Here is a video from Cameron Herold.  Cameron was the COO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK.  While he was there the company grew 500% in 3 years and was ranked Canada's #2 best place to work in 2007.  Some of his advice is certainly bold but it gets you thinking.

    November 11, 2008

    Reprographics Can Learn from the Music Industry

    The music industry is starting to standardize on what they call 360 Deals.  In a nutshell the record label and the artist gets paid whether a CD is sold, a song is downloaded or any other means that the music is experienced.  

    Those that are becoming successful in a Repro 2.0 business model are taking a similar approach.  They are telling their customers we don't care if you print.  Our goal is to provide you the content you need in whatever medium is most convenient for you (CD's, downloads, on-site printing services, or production printing).  They of course expect to be paid for these services and most customers don't have a problem paying for this service.  Customers guard seems to come down when the realize that the company is not trying to protect their production printing.  They feel like the reprographer is more or a partner listening to their needs rather than someone pushing what they have to sell.

    November 06, 2008

    The Change Function

    Pip Coburn has published an insightful book called "The Change Function".  The premise is that change is a function of the "current level of crisis" and the "percieved pain of adoption".  

    Change Function
    Successful technology vendors have focused on minimizing the percieved pain of adoption.  The easier it is to implement something in your company the more likely it is for you make the decision to do it.  In an economic downturn the current level of crisis in areas of your customers business is likely to be elevated.  If you can focus on minimizing the perceived pain of adoption you will see more success and may see your business grow in a downturn.

    November 02, 2008

    It's a Good Time to Bring About Change

    When times are good people will work hard to protect the status quo.  Why take the risk?  Why take on another "project"?  

    When times are tough everyone expects change - whether it is welcome or unwelcome?  Leaders who have the health and welfare of the whole company on their shoulders can be a little more authoritarian and others will be more receptive to the change.