The Long Tail...
I am reading a thought provoking book The Long Tail. The author also has a blog. It is fascinating! I am still trying to crystallize what the impact will be on the AEC document management industry. I have some theories but need to think through them. The author describes how the Internet is transforming our world in some profound ways. The book has a heavy emphasis on entertainment media, but if you were to replace "entertainment" with "construction" (i.e. "Construction Media") there are some interesting insights.
One of his deductions is industry has been focused on how to bring the "one" [movie hit or product] to "millions" [of consumers]. In the new economy there is a larger emphasis on how to bring "millions" to "one". Think about iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, etc. The amount of choice and selection we have is unprecedented. Choice, ease of distribution, and ease of production, and is creating new opportunities where they didn't exist before. This creates abundance where there used to be scarcity.
Stay tuned...