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    « Web 2.0 Disruptive Technologies | Main | Indian Tech Support »

    June 30, 2006

    The Deep Dive

    For any company trying to develop a consultative business model or launching new products and services, I highly recomend you order and share with your team an ABC Nightline broadcast on "The Deep Dive".  The broadcast is an interview with Ideo arguably one of the most innovative design companies in the world.  ABC challenges them to develop a better shopping cart.  It is fascinating how this company works and what they do to understand the true customer requirements.  The term "deep dive" is not a new term.  Jack Welch, former CEO or General Electric, used this term to describe a process they went through to understand a problem or evaluate an opportunity.

    It is very difficault to understand a problem or an opportunity when you are sitting in your conference room.  A deep dive will help you uncover the real problems and real solutions.  If you don't do a deep dive you will often miss the mark.  If you don't believe this watch the video.  To wet your appetite, the Ideo team finds the real answer to a question you probably think you know the answer to. 

    Who steals shopping carts?  Why do they steal them?

    You'll be surprised!  Before you launch something new you may want to do a deep dive to make sure your assumptions are right.


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